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City Council Minutes 06/06/2002
June 6, 2002

ROLL CALL - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli Present.  

City Staff present:  City Manager John Salomone, Corporation Counsel Tom Leone, City Clerk Debra McCormick, Lisa Green Assistant Comptroller, Bea O
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Presentations and Proclamations - Mayor Carnicelli read a Memoriam for Auburn resident and former state senator George Metcalf who passed away recently.  
Public Announcements
City Manager
·       The Comptroller
·       The first Neighborhood Planning Pubic meeting for the Five Points/Owasco Osborne St. project was well attended.  About 60 residents attended and participated.

Public to be Heard
Orin Snow 25 Foote St.
Report of City Officials
Mayor Carnicelli attended the grand opening of Byrne Dairy on Franklin St. on Monday.  She commented on the nice landscaping and positive impact the new store will have on the revitalization in the Five Points area.

Mayor Carnicelli reported that she was joined by City Manager John Salomone and Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Utilities at the New York Conference of Mayors where Auburn received a first place award for the landfill gas collection process.

Mayor Carnicelli announced that The National Park Service Team will be visiting Auburn on Tuesday June 11 at 3:30PM.  

Committee Reports - None
Presentation of Petition and Communications
Mayor Carnicelli asked for Council consent to waive the first reading of Ordinance #10 of 2002 and vote on it tonight.  All agreed.  

Ordinance #10 of 2002 authorizing an amendment to current Noise Ordinance Chapter 210-4 of the City Code.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli, all vote aye. PASSED


Mayor Carnicelli asked that Item A, the resolution to adopt the City Budget be moved to last on the agenda.  All agreed.

Appointment Resolution #102 of 2002 authorizing appointments to the Youth Commission. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli, aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #103 of 2002 amending Award Resolution #193 of 2001 for microfilm services for the City Clerk
Financial Resolution #104 of 2002 authorizing transfer of appropriations from the General Fund Contingency account to cover salary increase for Fire and Management. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli, aye.  PASSED
Agreement Resolution #105 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute an Operating Agreement with Auburn Community Non-Profit Baseball, Inc. Councilor Jacobs questioned the paragraph regarding the city
Councilor Dempsey made a motion to have a zero percent increase in city taxes for the 2002-03 budget.   Corporation Counsel Tom Leone stated that because Mr. Dempsey had voted for this at the last meeting only a council member that voted against it could bring it to the floor.  Councilor Jacobs offered to do so and Councilor Dempsey seconded the resolution for zero tax increase.  Mayor Carnicelli spoke to explain why she does not support a zero increase.  She commented on the fiscal irresponsibility of not increasing taxes at this time.  The City Manager discussed the implications of cuts and outlined in increments of 10 percent what would be affected by cuts.  His list included snow removal, retirement, a fire vehicle, the police budget, and vehicle reserve.  He also listed health insurance and salary increases and other unknowns that could impact the budget negatively with out a tax increase.  Councilor Hunter agreed with the Mayor on increasing taxes this year.  He commented on what will happen next year without an increase this year.  VOTE:  Councilors Jacobs, McNabb and Dempsey vote yes, Councilor Hunter and Mayor Carnicelli vote no.  PASSED.

Councilor Dempsey motioned to add the title and position of Special Projects Coordinator in the City Manager
Councilor Dempsey motioned to delete the position of Senior Planner from the budget.  VOTE: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote yes.  PASSED.

Financial Resolution #101 of 2002 authorizing adoption of the City Manager
Local Law - None

Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business
Councilor Hunter commented on the condition of the lawns on Fulton St. by Whiting
Councilor Jacobs asked for an update on the State St. traffic light he has been asking about.  Chief Giannotta responded that they had just received a letter from the DOT and he would report at the next meeting.

Councilor McNabb asked about early morning tree cutting (4:00AM)
Councilor Jacobs commented on the recent change to one way on James Street.
Second Public to be Heard
Joe Leo Grande 161 E. Genesee St. spoke about the recent change to the noise ordinance.  He was pleased and grateful.

Glen Carver, 5 Evans St.
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:07PM by Councilor Jacobs seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Purpose to discuss the employment history of particular individual(s).    Ended at 8:15PM
